Sunday, September 21, 2014

Another horror China branded.

The latest luxury among the rich comes straight from China. 
Now to be different the trend is to organize dinners where a tiger is killed in front of a small group of people and then is torn to pieces and cooked. Some of them doesn't even wait the tiger to be cooked and drink its blood or eat its penis (thinking they have "magical" properties). 

The South China tiger is considered probably extinct. The Sumatra tiger is close to extinction and other tigers like the Siberian, the Indian, the Malaysian and the Indo-Chinese are at serious risk of extinction. 
The insane habits of these new rich are further endangering this beautiful animal species. 

The Chinese government made this illegal, but notwithstanding this, it keeps happening. 
The person who ate the (probably) last specimen of South China tiger is staying twelve years in prison; the one who ate three tigers in 2013 is spending decades in prison. 
It's not the first time that Asian "magical" traditions seriously endanger species that are already threatened or at risk of extinction (rhinos, moonbears, elephants).
When will they stop...? 

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