Thursday, June 5, 2014


From the 31st of May to today, the 5th of June takes place, in Turin, the 17th Environmental Film Festival. 
Its aim is to show the best international environmental films and contribute with other activities throughout the year to promote the environmental cinema and culture. 
It is the first festival "zero emission": CO2 emissions produced during the Festival are offset and its products are made with recycled and Ecolabel and FSC certified materials. 

Yesterday, the 4th of June in the evening I went to the Festival with other Greenpeace volunteers from the Turin local group (yes, now I am a volunteer!). We set up a banquet to promote Greenpeace campaigns, so we explained people who stopped there why the bees are in serious danger, why oil drilling in the Arctic must be stopped and so on. 

We were also invited to watch the Italian documentary film "Green Generation" by its director, Sergio Malatesta. It was very interesting and impressive from certain points of view. 
Here you can find the trailer .

To keep faith with my passion for bags and clothes, I bought the Festival eco-friendly bag! I find it very nice and practical to use. 

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