Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Superpotato: bigger and stronger but...POISONED!

Some American scientists have recently produced potatoes which contain the gene of a bacterium called Bacillus Thuringiensis which is a natural killer of potato beetles. 
If a beetle grub ingests a Bacillus T. cell, that cell will multiply and produce a poison that would kill the grub. 
It goes without saying that in these scientists' opinion this superpotato is an incredible progress, as it avoids organic farmers the trouble of spraying Bacillus T. so these scientists can't understand why organic farmers aren't welcoming it. However, the reasons are obvious! The superpotato develops poison in every cell, so all of the tubers we eat contain toxin...and we can't wash it out!  

(Thanks to Lorenzo S. for helping me writing this post) 

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