Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Corrida? No, gracias!

Esperanza Aguirre, president of the Spanish PP (Partido Popular) has begun a harsh critique against her environmentalist/animalist countrymen. 
She argues that the famous "corrida" (bullfight) represents the very essence of being Spanish. 
<< Being against bullfighting is equivalent to being anti-Spanish...>>. 
In Aguirre's opinion, bulls perfectly represent the Hispanic character and spirit. 

Unfortunately for her, recent polls show that 72% of her compatriots do not appreciate this traditional "show", with peaks of 82% amongst the young people and of 79% among the women. 
So, in the words of Aguirre in the whole Spain there would be a little less than 13 millions of "genuine Spanish" left...

Just to give you an idea of what "corrida" is...
Before the bull enters the arena he is kept in the dark, subjected to drugs and purges; he is beaten on the back with bags of sand; the turpentine is sprinkled on his paws, so that he cannot stand still; Vaseline is put in his eyes to cloud his view; his nostrils and throat are blocked; needles are pushed in his body. 

When the bull enters the arena "picas" are pushed into his body and they cause pain and hemorragies; "banderillas" (harpoons) are inserted in the bull's body: they lacerate even more his muscles, forcing him to lower the head; he is struck repeatedly by the sword causing increasingly severe pulmonary haemorrhage which suffocate the animal. 

When the bull comes out of the arena he is dragged away, often still dying and paralyzed, but conscious; when he is still alive, his ears and tail are cut, as trophies. 
At the end, he is slaughtered. 


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