Monday, May 12, 2014

Argan oil. Healthy hair and environment.

Today I've tried the Argan oil for hair for the first time, and I am amazed! My hair are straighter and softer, I absolutely advice you to try it! 
As I am an environmentalist, I was wondering if it is a sustainable product, and here is the answer. 
I was surprised to find out that, as well as being good for your hair, it is also good for the environment! 
Argan oil is produced from the kernels of the argan tree that is endemic to Morocco. The Argan tree is a protection against desertification. It also provides shade for other agricultural products and its leaves and fruit provide food for animals. Producing argan oil has helped to protect argan trees from being cut down. 
RARBA (Réseau des Associations de la Réserve de Biosphère Arganeraie, Network of Associations of the Argan Biosphere Reserve) was founded in 2002 with the aim of ensuring sustainable development in the Arganeraie. It has been involved in major projects, including the Moroccan national anti-desertification programme, which involved local populations and helped with improvements to basic infrastructure, management of natural resources, revenue generating activities, capacity reinforcement and others. 
So, everybody, go and buy some Argan oil! 

This is the one that my mother has bought today in a supermarket. It isn't expensive, it costs only 3 euros and the brand is "Color look" by Oyster Cosmetics SpA. 

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