Saturday, May 10, 2014

My daily life.

Let's talk! Maybe you're wondering "how is her typical day?"...or maybe not, but I'm going to tell you about that, anyway :) 
As I told you in my first post, I am attending the first year of Law in Turin. So my life is mainly made of study. Although, I am quite lucky, since I have a very good memory and I don't have to spend too much time on the books to store the concepts. 
At the moment, there is my book of History of Law staring at me and saying "c'mon, read me!". Yes, because on the 27th of this month I have my first exam of the summer session.

Between January and February I took two exams: Philosophy of Law (that I passed with only 22/30, but it was so confusing..!) and Constitutional Law (that I passed with 27/30). 
In this summer session, besides History of Law, I have two other exams: political economy and...Private Law, maybe one of the hardest exams at the faculty of Law. In fact, I'm studying all summer long for it. 

But maybe now you want to know what I do in my life when I'm not studying... 
Well, I often see my boyfriend (yes, I didn't tell you, but I have one), who is called Lorenzo and is 23 years old. We study Swedish together, or go out for a walk, or something else. We've been together since the 14th of December of 2012, so yes, that's a bit of time :) We love each other and, honestly, I think we're perfect together. He's my soulmate.

When I don't see Lorenzo...I see my best friend, Giorgia! We go out for a walk in the city center, we often go shopping, or seat in a bar chatting all the time. She's my person, she makes me laugh and has always been there for me. We are crazy together and yes, during our almost 5 years of friendship, we did more than one crazy thing. You can be sure that you'll hear about her again in my blog :) 

Essentially, this is my life. I don't usually do incredible things, but I really love my life, in its simplicity. 

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