Thursday, May 15, 2014

Throwback Thursday. December in Tallinn.

The cold wind that blew from the Baltic Sea, the thin layer of snow which covered the streets, the lighted square...
I have a beautiful memory of Tallinn, that city surprised me. I spent 3 days there last December with my boyfriend. We had fantastic walks around the city and we visited a couple of museums, and all of them were very interesting. 
During those days, a huge Christmas tree stood in the middle of Town Hall Square and it was surrounded by a lovely Christmas market. The atmosphere that reigned there was magic, I almost felt like I had been catapulted in a marvellous winter tale! 
I'll never forget how beautiful were the streets of the city center by night, the scent that came from the pubs and the small typical restaurants. 
Everything there captured my heart, from St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral to the Towers' Square, from the Tallinn City Museum to the Museum of Occupations, not to mention the beautiful view you can enjoy from several viewing platforms. 
As you can easily understand, that city stole my heart. I strongly recommend you to visit it, you won't be disappointed! 
Here are some photos, to give you an idea of how pretty Tallinn is. 

 Town Hall Square 

St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

Town Wall 

And, finally, this is me on Cat's Well (yes, as you can easily imagine, it was a bit cold there..!)

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