Sunday, July 6, 2014

7 billion workers missing in Europe...

...who are we talking about? BEES!
According to a study of English researchers published in the scientific journal Plos One, in the 41 European countries examined the number of bees that are necessary for pollination of several crops is 5 times higher than the real number present today. 
Furthermore, during the last ten years the crops that need a bee pollination have increased by 38% while the number of bees had dramatically decreased. 
The European country with a lower impollinators rate per cultivated area is Great Britain, where the bees are less than the 25% of the necessary! 

From these dramatic data it's easy to understand how it is urgent that the EU forbids the use of medicines and agricultural pesticides which are deadly for bees. 
In accordance with a French study the value of bees as impollinators in the world is approximately 153 billion Euros. 

(Thanks to Lorenzo S. for helping me writing this post)

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