Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Swedish National Heritage...NATURE!

Love for nature unites and characterizes all the inhabitants of Sweden. 
The Swedish territory is vast and nature plays a fundamental role. In Sweden, breathtaking views, pure water, clean air and great outdoors are available to everybody, even just outside the big cities. 

Thanks to its extension, Sweden has a wide range of territories and landscapes. 
Probably the most known is the the northernmost, the Lapp highlands, thanks to their natural phenomena: the midnight sun in summer and the aurora borealis in winter. 

All around Sweden there are forests where you'll find relax and peace. The activities that can be done are many: raft rides, fishing, animal watching, biking. 
The seascape of the archipelagos offers fantastic views, as well as the hills and the flowery fields of Skane. 

Sweden gives you the unique chance to combine urban attractions and nature experiences in an only (even short) holiday. 

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