Sunday, July 27, 2014

JELLYFISH: a possible solution.

A research of an Italian university showed that the excess of jellyfish in the Mediterranean Sea causes each year high costs for the health service, as well as for some industries and for fishing.

So...this university made a proposal: why don't we eat them?
In China and other countries they're already doing it and jellyfish are considered a prized food. Actually, they have a low caloric content and they are rich of proteins, Omega 3 and Omega 6.

Today the turnover linked to the consumption of jellyfish is higher than 25 million euros. But there's a problem...the EU recognizes as edible only the Asian jellyfish and not the European ones.

The aim of this Italian university is to study in deep the nutritional properties of the European jellyfish, and also to investigate their possible use in the zootechnique and in the pharmaceutical research.

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