Monday, July 7, 2014

More than honey.

"More than honey" is a Swiss documentary film which talks about honeybees in California, Switzerland, China and Australia. 
I watched it last week and it was vey instructive: it opened my mind on a world that I didn't know so well and I strongly recommend you to watch it. 
It shows how important the bees are for the survival of a lot of plant species and also of the mankind. 
In the documentary different points of view are shown, from the traditional beekeeper living in the mountains to the American entrepreneur whose bees mean profit to him. 
Today, the bees are disappearing because of some pesticides used in agriculture which contain substances that kill the them. 
The activity carried out by the bees is of fundamental importance and we can't let them go extinct. If you want to do something to help them, sign the petition of Greenpeace that you can find by clicking on this link . 

"If bees were to disappear from the globe, mankind would only have four years left to live"
Albert Einstein 

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