Sunday, July 13, 2014

South Africa VS Melissa Bachman

Melissa Bachman is a TV presenter who conducts a show called "Winchester deadly passion", in which she is the protagonist of a long chain of hunting parties for any kind of animal, from the lion to the squirrel. 
After every killing she posts on Facebook and Twitter photos (like the one you can see below) with a radiant smile and sentences like "beautiful day in Africa". 
In the US her social contacts have been rapidly swamped by an avalanche of insults and threats and in South Africa a petition has started (which has already reached 12 thousand signatures) to prevent Bachman from entering the African country. 
"She is in total contradiction with the South African conservation culture, of which this country is proud", explains Elan Burman, who promoted the petition. 

(Thanks to Lorenzo S. for helping me writing this post)

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