Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The White-rumped vulture is in danger!

The White-rumped vulture (Gyps bengalensis) is closely related to the Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus). This fascinating scavenger bird is native of India and Pakistan, it has sedentary habits and it usually eats the carcasses of bovines in the extended pastures and farms in the rural areas of India. This habit has been very close to provoking its extinction. 
Indeed, few years ago the White-rumped vulture had a great meltdown of almost 99% of the population. After an initial dismay, the researchers found out that the reason of this terrible plague was a new veterinary medicine called Diclofenac, which is used on the herds as an anti-inflammatory. This drug is extremely harmful for these birds' loins. 
Today lots of international organizations and ordinary citizens are pressuring Indian government to ensure that it replaces Diclofenac with Meloxican, an analogue drug which is not harmful for these beautiful birds. 

(Thanks to Lorenzo S. for helping me writing this post)

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